Enterprise Wide Automatic VPN with FEC

Hopbox automatically creates encrypted SSL VPN tunnels across all locations including public clouds creating a secure overlay network.

Multiple VPN links are created from each location, one over each available WAN. Each link is always active with sub-second failover between tunnels using Bi-directional Flow Detection (BFD) protocol running over OSPF.

Forward Error Correction (FEC) over VPN Tunnels minimizes packet loss over lossy WAN links at the cost of increased latency and higher bandwidth utilisation.

Typically, 10% packet loss can be reduced to 0.089% by increasing the bandwidth usage by 50%.

Hopbox VPN Schematic

  • No need to backhaul Internet bound traffic to Hub for policy enforcement with direct policy-enforced Internet access from spoke sites
  • Seamlessly connect remote equipments like CCTV DVRs, Attendance Machines, Printers to/from Hub
  • Provide easy & secure remote support using RDP/VNC and eliminate field trips while getting rid of insecure 3rd party remote access applications like TeamViewer, Ammy, GoToMyPc etc to protect against intruders like ex-employees, vendors & attackers
  • Providing easily revocable software VPN clients to employees and vendors on their computers/tablets/mobiles for on-the-go secure remote acces
  • With Hopbox there is no need for static IPs at branch offices (s)

Roadwarrior VPN for Remote Users

Road Warriors are remote users who need secure access to the companies infrastructure. 

Hopbox lets you easily provide revocable software VPN clients to employees and suppliers on their computers/tablets/mobiles for on-the-go secure remote access.

A user self-management portal allows them to change / reset their password by themselves without involving IT team, thus, reducing support issues for IT Team.